
Hello! I'm Nova, a programmer by day, and digital artist by night. I love to draw anything science fiction or fantasy, whether it be robots, aliens, monsters, and many more! I enjoy creating characters and the worlds they live in, so that's what you'll see for the most part.Please keep in mind that I also do NSFW work. A majority of my social media is kept PG-13 or otherwise heavily censored except for my Twitter. I don't advise following me there if you wish to avoid NSFW art!I am open and interested in taking commissions, for both personal and commercial work. I'd love to draw your original character, or create the cover for your next book! Please reach out to me via email at [email protected] if you'd like to inquire about commissions.


Note: All art has been put through Nightshade to prevent my art from being trained on AI - any quality issues here and on other sites is the result of this filtering.




If you're looking for a commission, this is the place to be! Below, you'll see my price sheet.Feel free to send a message on any of my social media site, or email me at [email protected].NOTE: If you're looking for commercial work, pricing will vary. Please reach out to me so we can discuss further!

*You can check out my Twitter/Bluesky for examples of my NSFW work. If you don't have accounts for either of those, please reach out and I can provide some!